Bootcamp on dating
This Bootcamp walks you through the basics of Self from a Man Mindset point of view.
Conversation Class 1
A guy will spend half the day building up his confidence just to merely speak to the chick initially, but invest absolutely no though into what he’ll say beyond that point. After he says his hellos or whatever to her, he finds himself basically stuck in limbo. He doesn’t know where to go with the conversation or how to conduct it even if she were the one to initiate it. The truth of the matter that guys need to get a grip and understand is there’s really nothing to it at all. There’s no great mystery or some magic trick to talking to women. There may be some minor tweaks to be made, depending on the individual, butt he general rule applies to all. It all starts with you, but the problem is you don’t trust yourself enough because you don’t know yourself as well as you should. Not to worry because like always, The Dean has your back once again. Steve “The Dean” Williams will have class sessions containing lectures and assignments to help you overcome the common everyday mistakes.
Conversation Class 2
Not only will you get an in-depth idea about yourself, you’ll learn how to be more in-depth with women, your surroundings as well as any topic. This is not some magic pill that will change you overnight, this is a process that will gradually guide you along as you hone your skills in the art of conversing. With The Dean backing you up, instead of being stuck limbo, you’ll be that much closer to getting stuck in HER. You will learn: How to start your conversation with confidence by pulling up the info you need (Homework from conversation classes one)faster now you have the foundation down. Plus Homework and conversation exercises
Conversation Class 3 online game
Now you are ready to meet women online and do something no other man can do and that's. Showing women you are different from the rest.
Conversation Class 4 (Dirty talk)
Most guys want to talk dirty with their women. But many of them just don’t know what to say. Really, what is talking dirty anyway? We’ve all heard about it, and we’ve all heard that sex feels a lot sexier and dirtier while talking dirty. But what is talking dirty all about and how can you get better at that? To be quite truthful, talking dirty to a woman isn’t as complicated as most girls assume it to be. And contrary to popular belief, you really don’t have to behave like a porn star to talk dirty or sound sexy when you’re in bed.
You’ve been on a few public dates, or at least you should have by now. She might have even come over to your crib once or twice. But, you’ve never made dinner for her or anybody else before. Whether you know how to cook or not is not the issue here. Knowing how to prepare for and present the evening is the objective. Don't make the same mistakes a lot of guys tend to by not being prepared to properly manipulate this date. First off remember, she's coming into your domain. Every part of your crib says a little something about you, and rest assured that she's going to notice everything, no matter how great or insignificant it may be. All of that can and should work to your advantage on a daily basis. Keeping a clean place with nice arrangements is a promising start, but theirs more, much more to it than just that.
Whatever the case may be for your place, I will show you, from room to room, all the steps to creating the ultimate bachelors pad. The Dean teaches about more than just what to add to the place, he explains in full detail the how and the why. Some of you may already have a pretty nice arrangement, but it may be limited to only what you can relate to, and is hardly captivating to anyone else. Not that there's anything wrong with that. After all, it IS your place and you're footing the bill for it. But if you want a crib that's still true to you, but also highly appealing to your women friends and even your boys, then the Ultimate Bachelor Pad video is exactly the thing you'll need to make it all happen. Why not take time to upgrade from a humble abode to a sexual playground for women?