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The best way to understand confidence is to see it in action. But the only way to see it right is you taking action. Are you embroiled in relationships that you don’t want? Do you fear the fallout that could come from refusing to grant favors or respecting your own boundaries, and then feel bitter, anxious, or guilty? Does your happiness depend on external sources? If your people-pleasing or codependent tendencies are negatively affecting you and those around you, you may need to implement completely new interpersonal boundaries.

principles that will help you understand the negative effects of people pleasing. Within these pages, you’ll learn to when you say yes but really mean no, you reject your laws as a man. Simply put, you’re trying to control something that’s not yours to control. Its time to start the process of creating confidence and setting up your personal boundaries.


Learn how to build strong, and reliable confidence.
Learn to handle judgment and guilt without being harsh –with yourself or to others.
Learn the best techniques and questions to create a realistic self-evaluation.
Change your mindset from helpless to hopeful.
Identify your success-repelling mental blocks and dissolve them.
Learn to draw and protect your boundaries.
Use the power of comparison in your favor.
Redefine your expectations from unreasonable to inspiring.
Identify your strengths and capitalize on them.
Learn to be comfortable with who you are.
Create possibilities out of failures.

Identify the connection between your square and your mindset that stops you from doing things

Meet your board of directors

Break habits that involve pleasing others

Get your control back and stop trying to please everyone and instead become the objective creator of your own reality and universe.

When you buy a package you can pick from any of our MP3's or Videos. Just send us a email of the classes you want and we will send them over as soon as Pay Pal clears.  



Once your payment goes through paypal we will send it out to the email from your Paypal. We have no say so when Paypal SENDS US THE NOTIFICATION OF PAYMENT . If you dont get your product within 4 Hours please send us a email at 


40.00 per one hour class


Package deals

2 one hour classes 70.00                         

 3 one hour classes 99.00


Confidence and your square part 1

Confidence and your square part 2

Confidence and your square part 3

Confidence and your square part 4

Confidence and your square part 5

Confidence and your square part 6

Confidence and your square part 7

Confidence and your square part 8

Confidence and your square part 9

Confidence and your square part 10

(coming soon)

Confidence and your square part 11

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